Volume 11                  Number 8
General Meeting: Thursday, March 4th has been cancelled at the Country Club due to concerns regarding Covid-19.
Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 23rd at 5:30 p.m. on ZOOM.
Important dates in
Not only is it Women's History Month...
1st - Peanut Butter Lovers Day
6th - National Frozen Food Day
10th - Middle Name Pride Day
14th - Spring Forward-Daylight Savings Time Begins
Pi Day
22nd - National Goof Off Day
27th - National "Joe" Day
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
-Helen Keller-
Board of Directors 2020-2021
Tim Echternach
Vice President of Membership
Sara Echternach
Bill Tetro
Kay Brejcha
Sargent at Arms
Elaine McCoy
Brett Benton
2 Year Term
Brian McNeill
Todd Shelmadine
1 Year Term
Bill Giddings
Aaron Zaner
Elaine McCoy - 28th
Nominating Committee: Serious decisions may need to be made within the next 2 months regarding this and its resolve if we don't come up with a full slate.
Our club has been without a President-Elect this year.  We also know that Bill Tetro will not be our treasurer next year. (he has served for 2 terms, and so has Kay Brejcha as Secretary) The board is concerned about a full slate of officers for the coming year.  Suggestions/volunteers would be appreciated. 
Board of Directors Meeting
February 23, 2021
President Tim Echternach called the meeting to order.
Members present:
Brett Benton, Kay Brejcha, Tim Echternach, Bill Giddings, Brian McNeill, Todd Shelmadine, Bill Tetro, and Aaron Zaner.
Report from Contributions Committee: The following is the recommendation at the moment. The committee will readdress contributions before the end of the fiscal year. The Committee felt that there may be issues that MAY come up that finances might be needed since our fundraising efforts are low due to the infamous Covid-19. 
Camp Hickory Hill - this will provide for 10 campers the full campers kit at this summer’s virtual camp. $500.00
Ronald McDonald House – they provided a list of several items needed. $484.00
Rainbow House – will provide furniture needs. $500.00
Pediatric Diabetic Center $500.00
Total amount - $1984.00
The committee’s motion was to contribute to these organizations at the amount stated above.
Bill Tetro seconded the motion.
Motion passed and will be presented to the membership for approval at the next meeting.
(President's Note:  I will send out on Thursday, March 4, 2021 an email regarding the above recommendation. Vote nay or yay by email.)
Treasurer’s report:
Bill Tetro gave a full treasurer’s report discussing ledger balance, Simmons account, and future bills we know we will have.  The checking balance is $8188.10 with one check for $50.00 still out.  The investment fund is the same as the end of January and will be updated at the end of the month.
Fund Raisers:
Bingo:  We do not know when Bingo will start again.
Pancake Breakfast:  It was successful. 
Ready for Spaghetti:  Sara Echternach will be asked to contact the Breakfast club to consider having a drive thru dinner.  It was noted John Hubert worked on a flyer from advertisers from business’ that helped the Pancake Breakfast to be successful.  This should be considered if we do have the spaghetti dinner.
Scrip: Kay Brejcha gave a short report on Scrip to the board members.  She has ordered cards for her personal use to see how it works.  More detailed information will be sent to the members in a separate email.
It was discussed that we really needed to meet – to see each other.  If we do not have 20 people signed up for the next meeting we will meet at the building and have a catered individually packaged meal.  Tim will send an email to members for a response. (will have follow-up on this shortly)
Nominating Committee:
We have operated so far this year with no President Elect.  Next year we will need a President, President Elect, Treasurer, and two board members to fill in the slate of officers.  Bill Tetro said he will help the new treasurer with the tax preparation. 
The meeting was adjourned.